The Power Of KARMA

Hello! This Post is about KARMA which i know is not new to talk about, but still would like to share my belief and personal experience with it.

Basically this blog is about my look on GOOD KARMA, on which i had no hopes until it finally came back and made sure i know it was it. We all have met hands with our Bad deeds and had to pay for it, instant or later. I had totally lost my faith on my Good deeds and thought only Bad Karma is dedicated to its work, with literally series of never ending troubles in my life.

This is dedicated to people who have lost their faith in their Good and is going through some serious shit. I want to tell you all that you are not alone, it happens, it happens to us all, and believe me things are gonna change, its gonna get better.

Months back i got myself in a huge trouble, which would have ruined my carrier, my reputation,my life. Its after all the choices you make, and i chose the wrong.It was a short cut. My intention was to lift myself a level up without harming anyone.I did not realize at that point that it was unfair to others. Wrong with reasons are still wrong, and things happened contrary to what i imagined and my life shattered, i lost all hopes that it was ever gonna get better and I was longing for a normal life back so bad.

At first i could not eat or sleep.I was so depressed i cried all day and nothing went right. i was weak and hopeless.I ignored my friends and parents, and i was too ashamed to show them my face. But soon i was tired. Tired of just laying in bed and crying about one goddamn stupid choice i made. I decided that I am not going to be same and i will change my life.I will be happy.i will get my life back.With time, I learnt staying calm and accepted situation and tried being positive about it.I surfed and viewed a lot of videos on staying positive and tried implementing it. I reminded myself all the good choices i have made, and all the goods I did for people.This made me believe in myself and gave me confidence to stand up again. You cannot learn to stand, if you never fall.I trusted my good deeds and believed i am gonna get its reward.And from nowhere it happened, i got away with my wrong choice. It felt like miracle, and my life was right in track, but now with a lot of positivity in myself and wisdom i learnt which i am grateful for.

So to all my friends going through some Bad Shit, do not give up already, keep doing your GOOD , its going to return to you. Life is a roller coaster, ride with positivity, it helps. Own your mistakes and you will learn from it. Trust me there is nothing you are ever going to regret. Dont calm the storm, Calm yourself, do your part of good, Storm is going to go,but the good will return.

(This is my first blog, do let me know how you like it. Suggest me how can i make it better? Thank you for your time, love you all)
